Saturday, August 9, 2008

A job site

Here's a job site that I had ignored for a few years and forgotten about: ESTA Jobs. It's not updated nearly often enough, but hey, it's another resource. Don't kill the messenger.

Friday, August 8, 2008

TD Needed at The Kitchen

Come on, now. SOMEBODY wants to be my boss. I'm really not that bad, am I?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Unrelated? Methinks not!

I'm a little behind the times on this one, but if you haven't yet heard of the Steampunk movement, it's responsible for modified gadgets like the one below.

The reason I found this worthy of posting is because this website breaks down exactly how this computer was modified, step by step. Lots of handy info for prop-building and such when circuitry is involved. Check it out.

Behind The Scenes

Check out Behind the Scenes- a program that provides financial support to entertainment technicians with medical problems.

New York Times Gives Stagehands a Shout-Out


Read the article HERE.

A big thank-you to Roxie for the tip!


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The Genie Police:

Max Weight 300 Lbs

Max Weight 300 Lbs

About Me

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New York, New York, United States
Tired. Caffeinated. Quietly evil.

I'm a theatre technician, living and working in NYC. Also an aspiring costumer, makeup artist, playwright and dilettante.
I like to rant about things, I swear like a person who swears a lot, and I work too much. Other than that, my time is spent at home with the puppy or in Chelsea bars with friends and co-workers.