Sunday, May 17, 2009

Par Can to the Head - Play Her Off!


Anonymous said...

Dear Abbey... err, KDubs,

Where's that post about fiberglass rash and hot vs cold water?

Yours truly,
itchy & scratchy.

Unknown said...

I apologize for posting this inquiry on your comment section, but I am interested in working with you to place advertising on your site. We are a secondary tickets broker web site and would be interested in pursuing a number of options. Our most common form of advertising is a small text ad with three to five links embedded. We have a variety of tickets to shows, concerts, and sporting events and would choose the links that are relevant to your site. We are open to a variety of other forms of advertising as well, including a banner ad and hosted articles.

Please respond if you are interested. I look forward to reading your response.


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The Genie Police:

Max Weight 300 Lbs

Max Weight 300 Lbs

About Me

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New York, New York, United States
Tired. Caffeinated. Quietly evil.

I'm a theatre technician, living and working in NYC. Also an aspiring costumer, makeup artist, playwright and dilettante.
I like to rant about things, I swear like a person who swears a lot, and I work too much. Other than that, my time is spent at home with the puppy or in Chelsea bars with friends and co-workers.